Tuesday, January 14, 2014



We’re almost ready to have engraved the first section of the Walker Percy Serenity Circle.  Only seven more pavers are eligible to be among the very first section to be engraved.

The largest pavers for this section are completely sold out.  So have the smaller pavers.  We need seven more of the medium size pavers to begin the engraving process. 

Our donors have remembered their deceased loved ones, thanked those who have made a difference in their lives, quoted Scripture, wished blessings to others,
celebrated their marriage, remembered their children, and especially remembered Walker Percy and his family.

Around the circle will be six plaques featuring the names of six of his major works.  Four are already taken: The Movie Goer, The Last Gentleman, Lost in the Cosmos, and The Second Coming.  Only two more remain.

Go to our website to reserve one of the seven medium pavers to be among the first donors to the circle.  If you are interested in remembering one of his novels on a plaque or sponsoring a bench, send us an email at mor3arg@gmail.com and we will get back to you for details.