Despite the downpour that engulfed St. Tammany the weekend of September 30th, our hopes were not diminished for a successful first "Envision Our Library" event at the beautiful home of Jeannette Fisher in Old Mandevillle. Our hopes were fulfilled, for the rain ceased in time for a wonderful party at a beautiful home.
The hors d'ourves were absolutely splendid. Jeannette was asked to share her outstanding recipe for a cheese plates with our Charter members and other library users. With the graciousness that she showed during the entire event, she was happy to do so. Here it is! Save it and make a hit serving it to your relatives and friends this Holiday Season.
1. Wash strawberries with the stems for decoration and arrange around Havarty cheese slice in squares arranged on a platter.
2. Roast coarsely chopped pecans in a 375 degree over for 7-9 minutes.
3. Sprinkle the roasted pecans on the Haverty cheese slices on the platter.
4. Mix half and half brown sugar and butter for a praline topping.
5. Cook the sugar mixture in a sauce pan till it gets ready hot and bubbly and then cook the mixture for another 4 to 5 minutes. Be sure the praline topping is not thin. It should be slightly thick . Add a little evaporated milk or cream to the mixture to give it the right consistency.
6. Continue to cook long enough for it to start to candy but not too thick.
7. Pour into a heat proof container and refrigerate it until it is ready to use, or let it cool just a bit so that the cheese over which you will pour the praline sauce does not completely melt.
8. If you refrigerate before use, heat in the microwave long enough for it to be very warm, just before it bubbles. Then stir and pour the warmed topping over the cheese, strawberries and nuts.
9. Serve with thinly slice french baquettes.
The Library Foundation enjoyed other numerous treats, wine, and coffee. We gain new members and had a wonderful evening of friendship. Do make another of our Library socials. You will have a memorable evening. As one of our guests stated, "the Foundation knows how to give a great party."